Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Boring Self-care is Radical Self-care

I recently participated in a survey in which I answered the question, '"How satisfied are you with your life? "  I could only answer 100%. I'm still amazed, because life hasn't been easy. I have been through the fire, and currently still struggle with money while recovering from yet another serious friendship break up. There's room for growth, but the overall picture is a beautiful golden sunrise.

The trials of the last seven years have burned away a lot of the "not me" stuff that's been hanging around. I've come to see that I attract a certain type of taker. They come with an infectious big dream that's easy to attach myself to and I really believe in them. As time passes and the dream isn't realized, because they thought it would just magically arrive in the mail, they become disillusioned with life and our relationship. It happens with friends and lovers and family. The worst part has been that I haven't dreamed my own dreams.

So, how is it done? This dreaming dreams thing? I had no idea, because I had no idea who I was or what I wanted. When I heard the term "radical Self-care" all I could think to do was floss my teeth . I started there.

Then I asked myself a very important question, "What do you need?" In this moment, what is the one thing you crave? I've found it's most often something very mundane.

I made a promise to myself that  I would ask the question regularly and then meet my need, what ever it was.

I'd say the number one answer is: Rest.

I take a nap every day. I meditate two, sometimes three, times a day. I try to do only one thing at a time. I pet the cat and listen to her purr. I congratulate myself if I sit and do nothing, especially if during that time it doesn't cross my mind that "I should be doing something" . Doing nothing is called, "being".

Other questions I ask: How can I be healthier?

Take vitamins. Drink water. Eat what my body asks for. Get some fresh air. Take a walk.

How can I be happier?

Simplify. De-clutter. Embrace quiet. Avoid drama. Practice hobbies. Learn. Hug. Laugh. Dance.

This is all pretty boring, but compared to what's considered normal, it's also quite radical.

I discovered that my first dream found me:

I want to be a human being.