Friday, January 30, 2015

Wisdom from 2014

Learn the rules so you'll know how to break them properly.

Do what you want without apology or regret.

Be yourself. No one can tell you that you're doing it wrong (although many will try).

Ask for what you need. Insist on it.

Identify your emotions. Give yourself permission to feel them. Express them.

Happiness and peace are worthy goals.

Experience the Now.

Not getting what you want is often a wonderful stroke of luck.

Silence is sometimes the best answer.

Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.

In all things Dance! (Even if it's only in your head.)

See people.

Let people follow their own path. Help if you can.

Forgiveness is about letting go of another person's throat. With some people this is easy. With others though. Oy! Their very existence rankles! Sometimes it is God you hold by the throat.

Speak your mind. Especially to God. Use cuss words and yell if you need to. He's a big God. He can take it. Be much gentler with people. They have difficulty hearing you when they are focused on your delivery.

Celebrate everything! Holidays, the seasons, birthdays, anniversaries, small victories, the first snow flake, the last payment, Tuesday.

Nurture important relationships.

Leave lots of space to love yourself.

Say "no" when you need to.

Spend money on experiences, rather than on needless stuff.

Savor life's little joys.

Embrace the impermanence of life. Just because something doesn't last forever, doesn't mean it isn't worthwhile.

Follow your convictions. Don't let even well meaning people's ideas bully you.

An all day Netflix marathon or eleven hours watching football is not a waste of time.

Open the eyes to see. Take the daily, domestic workaday vortex and invert it into the dome of an everyday cathedral.

People are made in the image of God. That is to be celebrated and respected in everyone even if they hold a different worldview than yours. Celebrate similarities. Respect differences. Love everyone.